EnigmA Amiga Run 1999 February
EnigmA AMIGA RUN 34 (1999)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1999-02].iso
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Amigaguide Document
278 lines
NewYork V1 r201 DEMO
Copyright 1996-1997 Finale Development, Inc.
Written by Christopher E. Aldi
Source Contributions And Support From;
Dan Murrell (danimal) for help with all kinds of neat stuff.
Osma Ahvenlampi (Tau) for Quote-Printable/Base64 Examples
(DarkDesgn) for help with the ActiveList Parser
ClassAct GUI is Copyright 1995-1997
by the
ClassAct Development Team
Christopher Aldi, Tim Aston, Osma Ahvenlampi and Petter Nilsen.
Installing NewYork
To install NewYork, just click on the Install script provided. You can also
just run it from the directory. NewYork does not require any assignments or
external files other than the ClassAct GUI. The Install script will copy the
required ClassAct GUI to your system if you do not have them already.
Function Overview
First, it should be said that while a number of things and NewYork are fairly
usable at this point in time, not everything has been implemented, enabled or
debuged. The overall design is not expected to change much betweeen this beta
release and final release. However, suggestions/comments are welcome. If they
can not be applied to this work in progress, they could be applied to some later
upgraded release and steps taken now to make doing so less painful later.
Some noteworthy features include;
o Progressive article retrieval.
o News posting.
o News post reply via News or E-Mail.
o Configurable External E-Mailer (ie. Voodoo, Yam, etc)
o Hierarchical subscription list manager window.
o NNTP User Authorization, the two most common of three forms implemented.
o Fast news header retrieval w/local disk cache option.
o Automatically trims its own data files "on the fly".
o Program "SpeedBar" for easy control of common functions.
o Optional "SpeedTips" popup help system (req. V43 window.class)
o UUDecoder - can be either the currently displayed article, a
diskfile or a group of selected article(s).
o Font and Screen Mode preferences.
o Optional in-window clock.
o Simple (but growing!) ARexx port.
o Mark articles as read/unread.
o Shows the number of available articles and the number unread.
o Remembers, and optionally filters out, read articles between sessions.
o Articles sorted by Subject, Author, or NNTP Server ID.
o Optional "low-memory" configuration mode for 2M users.
A few notes are in order. The SpeedTips system is something new in ClassAct 2.1
beta which is not available to everyone yet. However, if your ClassAct is older
you simply will not have this help (simular to bubble help), but NewYork will
continue to function. News posting/followup is not totally completed yet but it
will post your articles. Additional note, with ClassAct 2.0 V42.52 window.class
I have enabled the speedtips system via presently undocumented means. To enable
or disable this help in the main window, press the HELP key.
Note well, XOVER and XHDR are draft standards, that means not all news servers
will support these new methods of retrieving news. The final newyork NewYork
will fall back to RFC977 compliant HEAD or ARTICLE server commands in the event
the XOVER or XHDR system should fail.
The default set up is for XOVER, however you may select XHDR in preferences.
The XOVER system transfers (atleast) 8 important fields from the article
headers. NewYork retrieves thus XOVER information in a batch. About 4 of the 8
fields are of interest to NewYork at this time. The XHDR system allows NewYork
to specify some specific single field. This method can be faster, but is
largely server implementation dependant. In the current NewYork, only the
Subject: is retrived. The From: and Date: fields are NOT retrieved until an
article is selected. Thus, XHDR potentially uses less memory than XOVER.
However, XHDR is not as well debugged or complete as the XOVER implementation at
this time. In XHDR mode, the article size is Bytes is also unavailable, having
this information can speed up retrieval of larger articles. For the time being
the standard/default XOVER method is highly recommended.
Posting News
To post a new article, you must select news composition button from the
speedbar. The composition/editor window will then open. The news group to post
the article too will that of the currently selected news group, i.e., the group
currently being read. You must then type in the subject of your post, unless
you are following up to the current article, in this case, the subject field
will automatically be filled out for you. You may select a different group to
post to from a small list by clicking the popup gadget just to the right of the
group string gadget. Cross-posting by selecting multiple groups is not yet
supported. Once you have composed your message, you should then click the
post/send button in the composition speedbar. At any time you may cancel
posting an article by clicking the window's close button.
The article header, body and signature will then be created as a temporary file
in T: prior to being posted. Durring the beta period, this file is NOT deleted
after the post. In the case of failure the header content may be valuable in
finding bugs in the article composition/posting system. It should be also noted
that the signature appended to your article is taken from an optional file named
"PROGDIR:NewYork.Signature". That is to say, "NewYork.Signature" is loaded from
the programs working directory if found. This file name and location may become
a user preference in the future.
Preferences & Configuration
The first thing you must do is configure newyork, I know, everyone hates this
part, and the beta testers certainly have done & re-done it often. :)
In NewYork preferences, you will find a click-tab gadget across the top of the
window. This organizes preferences by function/catagory. The catagories
include; General, Display, Fonts, Program, NetWork, and Encoding.
On the General page you must fill in the four (4) string gadgets with your
personal data, ie; your email address, real name, organization (optional) and
your reply (usually the same as your email address).
On the Display page you can change the screen mode used by NewYork, be it on the
Workbench, a Custom screen, etc. You may also adjust the palette of your custom
screen usingthe handly palette gadget and RGB sliders. If you intend to run
NewYork on the workbench, you do not have to change anything, the defaults will
be fine.
On the Fonts page you may adjust the fonts used in various places within
NewYork. You may select the interface font (the font that is used for the GUI
when on a custom screen), the message font (the font used to display the news
article) and the index font (the font used to display the group and article
listviews). NewYork should function normally with the default settings, but
feel free to experiment with different font settings.
On the Program page you may set various program related settings. Here again
NewYork will function with the defaults, however, you will likely want to
configure the path and arguments for your email program. The default
configuration is set up to use the "Voodoo" email client. You need only edit
the path to the executable program. For other emailers, consult your mailer
documentation for use as a plug-in via command line arguments. In addition you
may wish to enable the 'Cache Headers' option. Enabling this will cause NewYork
to save (cache) header data (ie; Subject:, From:, Date:, etc) to a small disk
data file. When revisiting a news group, this cache is reloaded and only news
article headers not present in the cache are downloaded from the server. This
makes NewYork *MUCH* faster to use, especially notiable on large & highly active
On the NetWork page you must set your NNTP news server address. As a rule of
thumb, if you email address is 'moocow@grassfarm.net' then your news server will
likely be called 'news.grassfarm.net'. NewYork tries to figure out the news
server name if it can, but you should confirm this information which your ISP
should have made available to you. The default "port" for news is 119, unless
your ISP directed you to use something else, you should except this standard
default setting. Some ISP news servers require authorizations to do certain
functions such as posting news, or downloading the servers active group list.
NewYork supports two of the three known standards. If your ISP requires a news
server login name and password, this is the authorization information, it may or
may not be the same as your ISP user login and password.
Subscription Editor
The next thing you will want to do with NewYork is download the group active
list from the news server. Most news servers carry atleast 15,000 to 35,000
groups. Thus, the active file is generally 500K to possibly over 1M, depending
on the speed of your network connection, this could take several minutes. Once
you have the list, NewYork will parse the active list to its own custom sorted
hierarchical subscription resource format. This format is significantly smaller
than the format received from the server, yielding a data file approximatly 150K
to 300K.
Such a large list can be difficult to manage, in both user interface, and
programmatically sorting and/or processing such data . NewYork presents this
large list as a hierarchical group tree list. For example, rather than a list
of groups like so;
NewYork visually organizes the groups in a tree like so;
+ comp
+ sys
+ amiga
+ atari
This may or may not confuse some of you, however once you try to use it it will
quickly make sence. Such listtrees are fairly common place in Windows, Mac, MUI
and other interfaces. The hierarchical tree makes handling a large list such as
this much more managable because you can expand/colapse the group hierarchy to
show or hide various groups. For example you could colapse the list at the
'amiga' level like so;
+ comp
+ sys
- amiga
+ atari
By default, all levels are colapsed yielding a short manageable list, you can
then move to an appropriate section, such as alt or comp. Expand the level,
such as alt, to reveal sub-catatories of binaries, source, etc. And continue
down in to the group tree.
The deepest/last level of the tree are actual groups, these have checkboxes
beside the group names. Selecting the check box subscribes you to the group,
like wise an unchecking a checkbox unsubscribes you from that group. The state
of these checkboxes are stored directly in newyork's custom resource data file.
Memory usage for the subscription editor is keep fairly low compared to most
other modern news readers, however, it can still requier as much as 2 to 4
megabytes of memory to build the list. I have been unable to confirm it, but
I've been told mNews can use as much as 8 megs, and perhaps more for large
lists. If you don't have the memory to spare, you can join a group "on demand"
by selecting the "Join By Name" option from the project menu. Here, you can
simply type in the name of the group into the string gadget. This will retrieve
the groups article list immediatly. Use of this feature is presently
discouraged due to some remaining odd bug(s) - but it doesn't hurt to give it a
try and cross your fingers! ;)
KeyBoard Control
A great deal of NewYork can be controlled via the keyboard.
The main window article text display can be controlled as so;
Space = Page down
BkSpc = Page up
Cursor Up = Up 1 line
Cursor Dn = Down 1 line
N = Read next article
P = Read previous article
The main window group and article lists can be controlled as so;
7 = Top of list
1 = Bottom of list
8 = Up 1 line
2 = Down 1 line
9 = Page up
3 = Page down
Enter = Retrieve selected group, or article.
The subscription window list functions in a simular fashion.
To Do
I would like to complete the following list of features for the future of
NewYork. Any other simple or useable feature suggestions are welcome. However
the focus now is to complete/polish the loose ends, freeze the feature set and
focus on debugging any remaining bugs for release ASAP.
o Automatically ask user to download news group active list from
server upon initial configuration.
o News post file attachment.
o MIME Base64 Encoding/Decoding.
o More (useful) ARexx commands.
o KillFile Editor (Scoring Perhaps?)
o Replace use of textfield.gadget for article display with a more
efficient and customizable text display engine.
Far from a complete list of those who have had a taste of NewYork and offered
input durring development, but I'd like to thank some of my most vocal beta
testers for a job well done:
Rafael Munoz (Zonum) <zonum@shadow.net>
(Sibbi) <>
(frotz) <Frotz@op.net>
Greg Scott (NAN) <gscott@interramp.com>
Dan Murrell, Jr (danimal) <djm2@ra.msstate.edu>
Magnus Lilja (lilja) <lilja@lysator.liu.se>
Timothy J. Aston (Timmer) <timmer@warped.com>
Mike Latinovich (SkyGuy) <mlatin@owens.ridgecrest.ca.us>
Scott Ellis (ScottE) <sellis@rohan.sdsu.edu>
Mark Beal (Bealy) <mbeal@thenet.co.uk>
Eric Webb (Foobar) <>
(TheBarron) <>
(NightSpd) <>
(NiteFlite) <>
Eric (RMerlin) <>
Legal Notes
NewYork is Copyright 1996-1997 by Christopher E. Aldi, of Finale Development, Inc.
The included BOOPSI gadget and image classes are part of ClassAct, Published by
Finale Development, Inc. For information about using ClassAct in your own
applications, drop by the web page at;
Or you may also contact me, Christopher Aldi via email; caldi@finale-dev.com
Please report any bugs, suggestions or quirks to me and I will try to address
them as soon as possible. A number of people have been testing NewYork for
some time now, and it has proven itself reasonably stable, however, nothing
or no one is perfect, especially a beta. Getting detailed bug reports from
users most helpful in this stage of development. When reporting bugs it is
most helpful to know the revision of newyork, any system hacks or patches
being used, the last few things you did with NewYork before the crash or error,
and if at all possible, any 'enforcer' output. Enforcer is a debuging tool
that requires an MMU, it should be available on AmiNet.